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About Author

Lena Bobena

After turning 40, Dr. Lena decided that she owed it to the world to share her experience and wisdom with the rest of the world. Through her books for toddlers and books for children, she hopes to help engage the young minds in a more productive and rather beautiful hobby of book reading. In her personal life, Dr. Lena is a loving mother to three smart and talented children, Peyton, Morgan, and Liberty. She hails from Washington state—not to be confused with Washington DC. Dr. Lena and her ever-supportive husband have a beautiful property on the west coast and love vacationing in the sun in Yakima. Other members of the family include three cats that she adores and a goofy dog. Dr. Lena has an elaborate portfolio, from working in a prison to legislative sessions and retail. She is a proud practitioner and a doctor who has dedicated 15 years of her life to school and 20 years to her time working as a doctor. After dedicating a major chunk of her life, she decided to try children’s literature and wrote several books for toddlers and children. She is pretty dedicated to her craft and celebrates her role as a doctor, a mother, a wife, and a children’s book author.

After turning 40, Dr. Lena decided that she owed it to the world to share her experience and wisdom. Through her books for toddlers and children, she hopes to engage young minds in the productive and beautiful hobby of book reading with her unique storytelling. In her personal life, Dr. Lena is a loving mother to one son and two talented daughters, Peyton, Morgan, and Liberty. She hails from Washington state, not to be confused with Washington DC. Dr. Lena and her family have a beautiful coastal property on the west coast and love basking in the sun at Yakima. Other members of the family include three cats that she adores and a goofy dog.

Dr. Lena is on a mission to make learning fun for toddlers and children. Through her stories of adventure and creativity, she encourages young readers to embrace their own growth while internalizing valuable lessons. She is dedicated to her craft and celebrates her role as a doctor, a mother, a wife, and a children’s book author.

About Author

Lena Lena Bonbena

After hitting the wonderful age of “40” I have decided that maybe I want to share in the vast wisdom that I have accumulated throughout the years, hahaha. I live in Washington state on the beautiful West Coast, not to be confused with that other Washington (DC). I am married to a wonderful man, Michael, have 3 kids, Peyton (who never calls his mom!), Morgan (the beautician), and Liberty (the artsy-fartsy one).

Those three I can claim, they are mine. My husband has 4 boys as well. We live on a nice piece of property in a quiet little area along the coast. Close enough to see the sunset at the beach, close enough to go crazy in Seattle, and close enough to soak in the rays of the desert in Yakima. We have 3 crazy cats and a goofy dog. My husband used to love telling everyone that his wife was in prison. I worked there, not a resident. Since then, I have moved on to another number-crunching job that keeps me busy during the legislative sessions. After 20 years of working in retail and 15 in school full-time, I am proud to say that I am a Doctor and I love my job! That is where this website comes in. I figured it was time to share all the fun stuff I have learned over the years and all the wild and crazy stuff we do. Thank you all for visiting!

About My


After 20 years of working in retail and 15 in school full-time, I am proud to say that I am a Doctor and I love my job! That is where this website comes in. I figured it was time to share all the fun stuff I have learned over the years and all the wild and crazy stuff we do. Thank you all for visiting!

About My


Flowers In Jars

About My


Besides Storytelling for kids and being a children’s book author, Dr. Lena also likes to engage in arts and crafts like embroidery and has her own little collection that she sells over on her Etsy page, called “Embroideriesbylena.”


Pets and Furbabies

As mentioned earlier, Dr. Lena is also a mother to three cats and a dog. As an author who has written books for children, she finds having animals around a lot comforting and loves to share her love with them. And she loves sharing the same love with her readers by posting about them regularly.

Author with books

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